
HR is responsible for company’s internal appointments, job regulations papers and job announcements.

the good HR is the good becomes our company’s community.

What is HR in simple words? 

Based on the Human Resources definition, the HR department takes care of the organization’s most valuable asset; its employees. HR professionals make sure that employees have everything they need to perform their day-to-day tasks and they’re also responsible for creating a healthy work environment that attracts and retains qualified people.

What does the Human Resources department do?

Human Resources professionals perform a plethora of tasks, including recruiting, managing employee relations, and creating company policies. In small companies, HR Generalists perform all relevant tasks, whereas in larger companies HR professionals could specialize in certain areas, e.g. sourcing and hiring, compensation and benefits, HR operations.   

What are the Human Resources functions?

HR teams undertake various responsibilities in an organization. They:

  • Recognize current and future hiring needs
  • Ensure compliance with federal, state, and governmental labor rules and regulations! 
  • Attract, recruit, and retain talent.
  • Manage compensation and employee benefits.
  • Ensure effective employee relations. 
  • Manage onboarding, training, and learning and development processes to boost performance.
  • Apply health and safety measures.
  • Handle administrative tasks, such as payroll and taxes. 
  • Organize and oversee quarterly or annual performance reviews. 

Human Resources also implement important company policies and regulations, for example, they ensure compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and GDPR regulations. They need to stay up to date with changes in labor legislation and research new HR trends that will keep the organization running smoothly.

What are the types of Human Resources roles?

In most cases, especially in large companies, different functions are managed by different HR professionals, who report to the HR Director or the HR Manager. Here is a list of common HR job titles:

Procurement is obtaining or purchasing goods or services, typically for business purposes. Procurement is most commonly associated with businesses because companies must solicit services or purchase goods, usually on a relatively large scale. It can also include the overall procurement process, which is critically important for companies leading up to a final purchasing decision. Companies can be on both sides of the procurement process as buyers or sellers though here we mainly focus on the side of the soliciting company.

How Procurement Works

Procurement and procurement processes can require a substantial portion of a company’s resources to manage. Procurement budgets typically provide managers with a specific value they can spend to procure the goods or services they need. The procurement process is often a vital part of a company’s strategy because the ability to purchase specific materials or services can determine if operations will be profitable.


In many cases, procurement processes will be dictated by company standards, often centralized by controls from the accounts payable (AP) division of accounting. The procurement process includes the preparation and processing of a demand and the end receipt and approval of payment.


Comprehensively, this can involve purchase planning, standards, specifications determination, supplier research, selection, financing, price negotiation, and inventory control. As such, many large companies may require support from a few different areas of a company for successful procurement.


There are several steps involved in the procurement process:

  • Choosing the goods and services required
  • Fill out a purchase request and request quotes from various suppliers.
  • Work out a price and contract with the vendor and complete the purchase order.
  • Receive the shipment and submit payment.

Types of Procurement

There are a few different kinds of procurement that businesses can undertake. These include:

  • Direct Procurement: This kind of procurement involves any goods and services used during the production process. This includes raw materials, machinery, and other components.
  • Indirect Procurement: Goods and services purchased under this type of procurement are used to meet the operational needs of a business. As such, they don’t contribute to the company’s revenues. This may include office equipment and supplies, furnishings, and marketing.
  • Goods Procurement: Any physical products that businesses acquire through the procurement process to serve the company’s needs. This can be direct, such as raw materials, or indirect, such as office supplies.
  • Services Procurement: Like goods procurement, there are two types of services procurement: direct and indirect. Both rely on services provided by people. Direct services procurement may refer to labor directly involved in the business. Indirect services procurement can include things like on-site security to safeguard the premises.

Important! Procurement can involve support from several areas of a company.


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